Roblox Cleaning Simulator Hidden Treasure

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1 Overview 2 Named Cassettes 3 Unnamed Cassettes (Outside building) 4 Unnamed Cassettes (Inside building) There are many Cassette Tapes in the game with almost all of them referencing various different things. There are some sprinkled around the map and there is always one of them on each floor of the BRIBBLECO™ building. You put the cassettes inside the Cassette Player that spawns in the. 1 Overview 2 Badges 2.1 The Ultimate Dunk 2.2 I HATE GLASS 2.3 Clean Boy 2.4 Best Janitor Around 2.5 The Hidden Treasure 2.6 A Lemon Without Omelettes 2.7 Welcome to BRIBBLECO™ 2.8 Cassette Collector 2.9 World's Spiciest Janitor 2.10 Item Hoarder A list of all the badges that are currently in the game. There are 10 badges. 'Throw the basketball in the hoop from the roof of the BRIBBLECO.

Jan 30th, 2018
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  1. _G.shovel = 'Bucket' -- Put your shovel name here
  2. for i, v in pairs(workspace.SandBlocks:GetChildren()) do
  3. workspace[name][_G.shovel].RemoteClick:FireServer(v)
  4. wait(0.2)
SimulatorCleaning simulator roblox the hidden treasureCleaning

Roblox Cleaning Simulator Hidden Treasure

RAW Paste Data

Roblox Cleaning Simulator Controls

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