How To Make A Good Simulator Game Roblox With Crabs

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Oct 7th, 2017

Hey Guys!Welcome to a new video!Here are all the codes in 'Crab Simulator'Crab Simulator:

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  1. function sandbox(var,func)
  2. local newenv = setmetatable({},{
  3. if k'script' then
  4. else
  5. end
  6. })
  7. return func
  8. cors = {}
  9. mas ='Model',game:GetService('Lighting'))
  10. Part1 ='Part')
  11. Script3 ='Script')
  12. Script5 ='Script')
  13. Sound7 ='Sound')
  14. Script9 ='Script')
  15. Script11 ='Script')
  16. Sound13 ='Sound')
  17. Model0.Name = 'Advanced Thunderstorm Simulator'
  18. Part1.Name = 'Head'
  19. Part1.BrickColor ='Dark stone grey')
  20. Part1.Anchored = true
  21. Part1.Size =, 1.20000005, 2)
  22. Part1.CFrame =, 0.600001991, -12, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  23. Part1.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  24. Part1.Color =, 0.372549, 0.384314)
  25. Part1.Position =, 0.600001991, -12)
  26. Part1.Color =, 0.372549, 0.384314)
  27. SpecialMesh2.MeshId = ''
  28. SpecialMesh2.Scale =, -3500, -3500)
  29. SpecialMesh2.TextureId = ''
  30. SpecialMesh2.Scale =, -3500, -3500)
  31. Script3.Parent = Part1
  32. -- This script rotates the storm meaning NO BREAKING like other stormclouds -Rayblon
  33. wait() --Needed or the game will crash! Put any number (in seconds) in between the ()'s
  34. script.Parent.CFrame = script.Parent.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.pi/100, 0) --Rotates the brick. Change the numbers for how fast/slow the brick rotates.
  35. --(continued from last line) The higher, the slower. The lower, the faster. Change the 0's to 'math.pi/number.' Make sure the number ISN'T 0!
  36. Weld4.Parent = Script3
  37. Script5.Parent = Model0
  38. while true do
  39. wait() -- Lets the computer know that it can take it's time.
  40. wait(4)
  41. wait(3)
  42. wait(3)
  43. Sound6.Name = 'Rain3'
  44. Sound6.Pitch = 0.5
  45. Sound6.SoundId = ''
  46. Sound7.Name = 'Rain2'
  47. Sound7.Pitch = 0.60000002384186
  48. Sound7.SoundId = ''
  49. Sound8.Name = 'Rain1'
  50. Sound8.Pitch = 0.64999997615814
  51. Sound8.SoundId = ''
  52. Script9.Name = 'Lightning/Thunder'
  53. table.insert(cors,sandbox(Script9,function()
  54. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  55. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999 -- This is the flash from the lightning.
  56. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0 -- this makes it dark during the lightning flashes!
  57. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  58. wait(0) --this is the wait between the flashes and darkness.
  59. wait(0)
  60. wait(0)
  61. wait(7) -- How long it takes for the thunder to sound.
  62. print('BOOM!!')
  63. wait(5) -- The wait between the thunder and next lightning strike
  64. wait(0)
  65. wait(0)
  66. wait(0)
  67. wait(0)
  68. wait(0)
  69. wait(0)
  70. wait(10)
  71. print('BOOM!!')
  72. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  73. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  74. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  75. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  76. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  77. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  78. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  79. script.Sound:Play()
  80. wait(5)
  81. wait(0)
  82. wait(0)
  83. wait(0)
  84. wait(0)
  85. wait(0)
  86. wait(0)
  87. wait(1)
  88. print('BOOM!!')
  89. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  90. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  91. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  92. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  93. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  94. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  95. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  96. script.Sound:Play()
  97. wait(0)
  98. wait(0)
  99. wait(0)
  100. wait(0)
  101. wait(0)
  102. wait(0)
  103. wait(0)
  104. wait(1)
  105. print('BOOM!!')
  106. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  107. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  108. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  109. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  110. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  111. game.Lighting.Brightness = 9999999
  112. game.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  113. script.Sound:Play()
  114. wait(5)
  115. end))
  116. Sound10.Pitch = 0.5
  117. Sound10.SoundId = ''
  118. Script11.Name = 'Rayblons Wind Simulator'
  119. table.insert(cors,sandbox(Script11,function()
  120. wait() -- Lets the computer know that it can take it's time.
  121. wait(2)
  122. wait(2)
  123. wait(2)
  124. Sound12.Name = 'Rain3'
  125. Sound12.Pitch = 0.25
  126. Sound12.SoundId = ''
  127. Sound13.Name = 'Rain2'
  128. Sound13.Pitch = 0.40000000596046
  129. Sound13.SoundId = ''
  130. Sound14.Name = 'Rain1'
  131. Sound14.Pitch = 0.30000001192093
  132. Sound14.SoundId = ''
  133. for i,v in pairs(mas:GetChildren()) do
  134. pcall(function() v:MakeJoints() end)
  135. mas:Destroy()
  136. spawn(function()
  137. end)
RAW Paste Data


Edit: This plugin is no longer supported by Roblox officially.

Our in-game purchasing API has only been out for a few weeks and we’ve already seen builders use it to sell items in creative and effective ways. It’s not exactly beginner territory, though, so we decided to come up with a way to make in-game stores easier to implement. To that effect, we’ve created a ROBLOX Studio plugin that you can download, drop into Studio and use to build out a GUI-based store interface. This means can you can quickly and easily add a Game Pass and gear store to your place!

To create a store in your game, here are the steps:

  1. Close any running instance of ROBLOX Studio.
  2. Download this zipped file. You’ll need to unzip it in the right location to enable the store (we’ll get to that shortly).
  3. Open a new instance of Studio. Click “Tools” then click “Open Plugins Folder.” You’ll notice a new folder there called “Store Creator.”
  4. Drag the zipped file into this folder, and unzip the file.
  5. Restart ROBLOX Studio.
  6. Once you’ve re-opened, you’ll notice a new Robux icon in your tool bar. Click that, and a brand new GUI will open. This GUI will allow you to begin populating your game’s store with the items you’d like to sell.
  7. To add items, simply acquire the asset IDs, which can be done by copying the last eight numbers of the URL of the item you’d like to include. We’ll give you an example. This is the URL for the Body Swap Potion. The asset ID numbers are between the two red lines.
  8. For each item you’d like to add to your store, copy and paste the asset ID number and they will appear in your store, in-game!

Once you are satisfied with the amount of items on sale in your store, save all changes in Studio, and open your game. Now, a shopping cart icon will appear at the top of the screen. Upon clicking that icon, your store will open and users can browse your items and make purchases.

Oh, and speaking of making purchases, ever seen this place?

Kestrel–Home Store is far and away the best example of in-game transactions on ROBLOX–it’s an actual department store stocked with a ton of items you can purchase right there in-game. What’s more, the store has employees that will greet you and help you find exactly what you’re looking for. From dress shirts, to polos, to dresses, to full-blown suits, you can browse and purchase every item from clothing group Kestrel’s varied catalog of clothing.

User FighterAce is no stranger to selling items in game, so we thought we’d ask him to give his professional advice for first-time builders who plan on selling items in their games. This was his response:

How To Make A Good Simulator Game Roblox With Crabs Fish

Consumer-based suggestions are extremely important. Always be interacting with your consumers, whether that’s holding polls to see what items are doing favorably, or simply popping into your place or game and saying hello. Also, like in real life, sale items are usually seasonable. Winter is over and Summer is here, so we change the clothes we have available to reflect the season. Right now, my inbox is flooded with customers who want shorts and summer-type apparel, so we’re putting together a new collection. Lastly, always interact with your customers. They appreciate that you make the effort to get to know them.

How To Make A Good Simulator Game Roblox With Crabs Play


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