Remote Spy Download Roblox

Posted on  by 

SimpleSpy is a minimalist take on a remote spy. It offers a variety of features to make your experience as snappy as possible. Designed with lower-end hardware in mind, SimpleSpy delivers the same speedy experience on almost any device. In FilteringEnabled clients can only change the server via these events. They are like website post buttons. For example if the spy gui says a RemoteEvent 'GiveLocalPlayerMoney' was called then chances are you can simply copy that section and execute it for free money.

Oct 2nd, 2017
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  1. --Credit to Autumn for the original RemoteSpy
  2. local Position = 0
  3. local CSize = 2
  4. local Parent = game.CoreGui
  5. local IndexRE = ':FireServer('
  6. local Structure = '
  7. local Arguments = '
  8. Parent.ScreenGui.Name = 'RSS'
  9.'TextButton', Parent.RSS)
  10. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0)
  11. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Position =, 0, 0.2, 0)
  12. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Draggable = true
  13. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Style = 'RobloxRoundButton'
  14. wait(0.01)
  15.'ScrollingFrame', Parent.RSS.MainFrame)
  16. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.ScrollingFrame.Name = 'Output'
  17. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0)
  18. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.Position =, 0, 0.15, 0)
  19. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(236,236,236)
  20. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.CanvasSize =,0,2,0)
  21. wait(0.01)
  22. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.TextBox.Name = 'Input'
  23. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.Size =, 0, 0.3, 0)
  24. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.Position =, 0, 0.68, 0)
  25. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.Text = '
  26. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  27. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(36, 84, 241)
  28. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  29.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame)
  30. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.MadeBy.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0)
  31. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.MadeBy.Position =, 0, 1.015, 0)
  32. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.MadeBy.Text = 'Made by: Amicus Vale'
  33. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.MadeBy.Style = 'RobloxButton'
  34. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.MadeBy.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  35. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.MadeBy.AutoButtonColor = false
  36. wait(0.01)
  37. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.TextButton.Name = 'Execute'
  38. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Execute.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0)
  39. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Execute.Position =, 0, 1.015, 0)
  40. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Execute.TextSize = '20'
  41. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Execute.Style = 'RobloxRoundDefaultButton'
  42. wait(0.01)
  43. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.TextButton.Name = 'Clear'
  44. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Clear.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0)
  45. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Clear.Position =, 0, 1.015, 0)
  46. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Clear.TextSize = '20'
  47. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Clear.Style = 'RobloxRoundDefaultButton'
  48. wait(0.01)
  49. Parent.RSS.TextButton.Name = 'Open'
  50. Parent.RSS.Open.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  51. Parent.RSS.Open.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  52. Parent.RSS.Open.TextSize = '20'
  53. Parent.RSS.Open.Style = 'RobloxRoundDefaultButton'
  54.'TextButton', Parent.RSS)
  55. Parent.RSS.Close.Size =, 0, 0.05, 0)
  56. Parent.RSS.Close.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  57. Parent.RSS.Close.TextSize = '20'
  58. Parent.RSS.Close.Style = 'RobloxRoundDefaultButton'
  59. wait(0.01)
  60. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.TextButton.Name = 'CButton'
  61. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.CButton.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  62. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.CButton.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  63. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.CButton.TextSize = '16'
  64. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.CButton.Style = 'RobloxRoundDefaultButton'
  65. wait(0.01)
  66. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.TextButton.Name = 'COButton'
  67. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.COButton.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  68. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.COButton.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  69. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.COButton.Text = 'clear output'
  70. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.COButton.Style = 'RobloxRoundDefaultButton'
  71. wait(0.01)
  72. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Frame.Name = 'SideFrame'
  73. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
  74. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  75. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
  76. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  77. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  78.'TextBox', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  79. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextBox.Name = 'Path'
  80. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.Size =, 0, 0.1, 0)
  81. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.Position =, 0, 0.15, 0)
  82. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.TextWrapped = true
  83. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.TextScaled = true
  84. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  85. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(36, 84, 241)
  86. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  87. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.MultiLine = true
  88. wait(0.01)
  89.'TextBox', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  90. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextBox.Name = 'Arg'
  91. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.Size =, 0, 0.1, 0)
  92. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.Position =, 0, 0.4, 0)
  93. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.TextWrapped = true
  94. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.TextScaled = true
  95. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  96. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(36, 84, 241)
  97. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  98. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.MultiLine = true
  99. wait(0.01)
  100.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  101. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'REB'
  102. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  103. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.Position =, 0, 0.55, 0)
  104. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.TextSize = '16'
  105. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  106. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150,150,150)
  107. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.BorderSizePixel = 0
  108. wait(0.01)
  109.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  110. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'REF'
  111. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  112. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.Position =, 0, 0.55, 0)
  113. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.TextSize = '16'
  114. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  115. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150,150,150)
  116. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.BorderSizePixel = 0
  117. wait(0.01)
  118.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  119. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'Convert'
  120. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Convert.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  121. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Convert.Position =, 0, 0.8, 0)
  122. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Convert.Text = 'CONVERT'
  123. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Convert.TextSize = '16'
  124. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Convert.Style = 'RobloxRoundDefaultButton'
  125. wait(0.01)
  126.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  127. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'PTitle'
  128. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.PTitle.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  129. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.PTitle.Position =, 0, 0.01, 0)
  130. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.PTitle.Text = 'Path:'
  131. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.PTitle.TextSize = '20'
  132. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.PTitle.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  133. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.PTitle.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  134. wait(0.01)
  135.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  136. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'ATitle'
  137. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.ATitle.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  138. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.ATitle.Position =, 0, 0.26, 0)
  139. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.ATitle.Text = 'Args:'
  140. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.ATitle.TextSize = '20'
  141. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.ATitle.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  142. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.ATitle.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  143. wait(0.01)
  144.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  145. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'RETitle'
  146. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RETitle.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0)
  147. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RETitle.Position =, 0, 0.65, 0)
  148. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RETitle.Text = 'RemoteEvent'
  149. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RETitle.TextSize = '18'
  150. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RETitle.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  151. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RETitle.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  152. wait(0.01)
  153.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  154. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'RFTitle'
  155. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RFTitle.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0)
  156. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RFTitle.Position =, 0, 0.65, 0)
  157. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RFTitle.Text = 'RemoteFunction'
  158. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RFTitle.TextSize = '18'
  159. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RFTitle.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  160. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.RFTitle.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  161. wait(0.01)
  162.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame)
  163. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.TextButton.Name = 'Error'
  164. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.Size =, 0, 0.12, 0)
  165. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.Position =, 0, 0.88, 0)
  166. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.Text = 'YOU NEED TO SELECT A REMOTE'
  167. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.TextSize = '16'
  168. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  169. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)
  170. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.Visible = false
  171. local enabled = {
  172. -- Set any of these objects to false to stop logging them
  173. BindableFunction = false;
  174. RemoteFunction = true;
  175. -- Any remotes matching the names listed below will be ignored
  176. }
  177. local meta,oldmeta = getrawmetatable(game),{}
  178. function formatargs(args,showkeys)
  179. if #args 0 then return 'N/A' end
  180. for k,v in next,args do
  181. if type(v) 'string' then
  182. elseif type(v) 'table' then
  183. else
  184. end
  185. table.insert(strargs,k.'='.argstr)
  186. table.insert(strargs,argstr)
  187. end
  188. end
  189. realmethods.Fire ='BindableEvent').Fire
  190. realmethods.Invoke ='BindableFunction').Invoke
  191. realmethods.FireServer ='RemoteEvent').FireServer
  192. realmethods.InvokeServer ='RemoteFunction').InvokeServer
  193. local args = {..}
  194. if (k 'Fire' or k 'Invoke' or k 'FireServer' or k 'InvokeServer') and (enabled[t.ClassName] and not ignore[t.Name]) then
  195. table.remove(args)
  196. CheckEORF = t.ClassName
  197. wait(0.05)
  198. warn(t.ClassName.' called!nPath: '.t:GetFullName().'n'.'Args: '.formatargs(args).'nReturn: '.formatargs(ret))
  199. return ret
  200. else
  201. return oldmeta.__namecall(t,..)
  202. end
  203. game:GetService('LogService').MessageOut:connect(function(Message, Type)
  204. local wow = string.match(Message, 'R%w+')
  205. if CheckEORF 'RemoteEvent' and Type Enum.MessageType[Setting] and wow 'RemoteEvent' then
  206.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output)
  207. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.TextButton.Name = TextB
  208. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Size =, 0, 0, (Size))
  209. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Text = Structure . IndexRE . Arguments
  210. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].TextScaled = true
  211. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(171,0,0)
  212. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Font = 'SciFi'
  213. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  214. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.CanvasSize =, 0, (CSize), 0)
  215. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Position =, 0, 0, (Position))
  216. elseif CheckEORF 'RemoteFunction' and Type Enum.MessageType[Setting] and wow 'RemoteFunction' then
  217.'TextButton', Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output)
  218. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.TextButton.Name = TextB
  219. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Size =, 0, 0, (Size))
  220. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Text = Structure . IndexRF . Arguments
  221. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].TextScaled = true
  222. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(171,0,0)
  223. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Font = 'SciFi'
  224. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  225. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.CanvasSize =, 0, (CSize), 0)
  226. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output[TextB].Position =, 0, 0, (Position))
  227. end
  228. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.ChildAdded:connect(function(c)
  229. c.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  230. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.Text = Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.Text . ' ' . c.Text
  231. end
  232. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Execute.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  233. end)
  234. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Clear.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  235. end)
  236. Parent.RSS.Close.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  237. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Visible = false
  238. end)
  239. Parent.RSS.Open.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  240. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Visible = true
  241. end)
  242. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.CButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  243. if Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Visible false then
  244. else
  245. end
  246. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  247. if Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.Text ~= 'X' and Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.Text ' then
  248. ConvEORF = ':FireServer('
  249. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.Text 'X'
  250. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.Text = '
  251. end
  252. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  253. if Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REB.Text ~= 'X' and Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.Text ' then
  254. ConvEORF = ':InvokeServer('
  255. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.Text 'X'
  256. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.REF.Text = '
  257. end
  258. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Convert.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  259. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.Visible = true
  260. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Error.Visible = false
  261. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.Text = Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Input.Text . ' ' . IndexGame . Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Path.Text . ConvEORF. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.SideFrame.Arg.Text . ')'
  262. end)
  263. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.COButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  264. for index, buttons in pairs(Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output:GetChildren()) do
  265. Position = 0
  266. Parent.RSS.MainFrame.Output.CanvasSize =, 0, 2, 0)
  267. end

Remote Spy Download Roblox Hack

RAW Paste Data

Written by Greenman

Roblox Spy Script

The exploits listed are in no particular order. If you want to suggest another exploit or make any corrections, please DM me at Greenman#0001 on Discord.

Former Names

  • Raindrop
  • Synapse


  • 3dsboy08
  • brack4712
  • Louka
  • DefCon42
  • Eternal



Discord Server

Only accessible to buyers

Payment Methods

  • PayPal (20 USD)
  • Cryptocurrency (15 USD)
    • Bitcoin
    • Ethereum
    • Litecoin
    • Bitcoin Cash
  • Steam Gift Card (20 USD or 20 CAD)
  • Amazon Gift Card (20 USD or 20 CAD)


  • Various Lua Libraries
    • Environment Library
    • Input Library
    • IO Library
    • Console Library
    • Encryption Library
    • Hooking Library
    • Signal Library
    • Drawing Library
    • Allows developers to make custom synapse UIs
  • FPS Unlocker
  • Auto-attach
  • Automatic Updates
  • Internal UI
  • Public Beta Releases
  • Script Hub
    • Dark Dex
    • Unnamed ESP
    • MadCityHaxx V2
    • Stream Sniper
    • Remote Spy
    • Script Dumper
  • Customer Support
    • Available in buyers Discord server
    • Support Website:
    • Help Document:
  • Access to Synapse Xen Obfuscator (via Discord bot in the buyers server)
  • Custom UI support (SXLib)
  • UI Theme support
  • Password Reset

Former Names

Roblox Spy Games

  • Veil (Pkamara)
  • Hexus (Customality)
  • Vashta (Pkamara) (formerly Veil)

Note: Sentinel is a merger of the Hexus and Vashta exploit communities


  • Customality
  • Pkamara


There is no official website.

Cryptocurrency Purchase Link:

PayPal Purchase Link:


Discord Server

Payment Methods

  • PayPal (15 USD)
  • Cryptocurrency (15 USD)
    • Bitcoin
    • Ethereum
    • Litecoin
    • Bitcoin Cash
  • Amazon Gift Card (15 USD)

Note: To buy via Amazon Gift Card, join the Discord server and DM Customality#0001


  • Various Lua Libraries
    • Environment Library
    • Input Library
    • IO Library
    • Hooking Library
    • Drawing Library
  • Internal UI
    • FPS Unlocker
    • Script Viewer
      • Manage Loaded Modules
      • Restart or Terminate Running Scripts
    • Script List
      • Upload Scripts to Cloud
    • Script Hub
      • Infinite Yield
      • Dex V4
  • External UI
    • Multiple Tabs
    • Script List
  • Customer Support
    • Available in Discord server
  • Automatic Updates
  • Run Sentinel-encrypted scripts (via secure_load)
  • Password Reset


  • Slappy826 - Creator
  • Nexure - Website & Forums



Documentation PSDocs.html file inside of protosmasher files.

Discord Server

Note: If the link has expired, go to the website for the new server link

Payment Methods

  • PayPal (15 USD)
  • Amazon Gift Card (15 USD)
  • Steam Gift Card (15 USD)
  • Bitcoin (15 USD worth)


  • Various Lua Libraries
    • Environment Library
    • Input Library
    • IO Library
    • Encryption Library
    • Hooking Library
    • Drawing Library
    • Window Library
    • Websocket Library
  • Auto-attach
  • Automatic Updates
  • Internal UI
    • Built In Explorer (Much faster than dex)
    • FPS Unlocker
    • Aimbot, ESP, & Chams
    • Compatibility Mode (Elysian & Synapse)
    • Script Viewer
      • Loaded Modules
      • Running Scripts
    • Chat (with other PS buyers)
    • Theme
  • Script Library
    • A script hub that is driven by the community, normal members get to upload 2 scripts and VIP get to upload 4 scripts.
    • Scripts automatically obfuscated with PEBC upon uploading to the script hub.
  • Customer Support
    • Available in the Discord Server
    • Email:
  • Account Management Panel
    • Password Reset
    • Chat
    • View Changelogs
    • Create Whitelist Keys

Former Names

  • Asshurt


  • IcePools - Execution Method
  • Aero - Custom Functions
  • KowalskiFX - Execution Method
  • 0x59 - UI and Bootstrapper
  • Iris - Remade UI with Scintilla



Discord Server

Note: If the link has expired, go to the website for the new server link

Remote spy download roblox pc

Payment Methods

30 Day Subscription

  • Robux (1,800)
  • PayPal (5 USD)

Lifetime Access

Now you have to shop for some Robux which is required to play the online game Roblox. Now, please wait until the balance gets load. You can either shop and pay or else, go to payment option and add the gift card code which you have generated via our tool. Now, whenever you shop, the balance will be deducted.How generator tool generates free Roblox gift card?If you are not sure if you should go and trust our tool or not, then please do trust us. Roblox game card generator download. You can copy it now.

  • Roblox Card (any price)
  • Amazon Gift Card (10 USD)
  • PayPal (10 USD)
  • Robux (3,600)
  • Bitcoin (7 USD worth)


Remote Spy Download Roblox
  • Various Lua Libraries
    • Environment Library
    • Input Library
    • IO Library
    • Encryption Library
    • Hooking Library
    • Drawing Library
  • Luau decompiler
  • Auto-attach
  • Automatic Updates
  • Script Hub
    • Dark Dex
    • Project Bull-Dukey
    • Simple ESP
    • Script Hunter
    • Psyhub
    • Mad City Menu
    • Mad City Haxx
    • Jewelsmasher (Jailbreak)
    • PhantomX (Phantom Forces)
    • Stream Sniper
    • Bee Bleeper (Bee Simulator)
    • UnNamed ESP
  • Customer Support
    • Available in Discord server
  • Access to SirHurt script encryption (via LUA_PROTECT & XPROTECT)
  • Custom UI support (SirHurtAPI)
  • Account Management Panel
    • Change Email
    • Change Password
    • HWID Lock & Unlock

Former Names

  • Bleu


  • Inspect

How To Use Remote Spy Roblox



Discord Server

Note: If the link has expired, go to the website for the new server link

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Payment Methods

Calamari (Windows)

  • Amazon Gift Card (5 USD)
  • Bitcoin (5.42 USD worth)

Calamari-M (OS X/Mac)

  • Amazon Gift Card (10 USD)
  • Bitcoin (7.50 USD worth)

Note: When you buy Calamari-M, you also get Calamari for Windows.

Enemies who were bosses must be defeated in order to complete the level or quest. The Bigger, Badder enemies are called Bosses. They possibly will be much larger than normal. They came up in FNAF World. World The known about bosses as the only known bosses that have names is Bubba, Browboy, Porkpatch, Mad Endo, Auto-Chipper, Bouncer, Seagoon, Eyesore, Security, Scott Cawthon Boss and Chipper's Revenge.


  • Various Lua Libraries
    • Environment Library
    • Input Library
    • IO Library
    • Console Library
    • Hooking Library
  • Luau decompiler
  • Mac/OS X support
  • Auto-attach
  • Automatic Updates
  • Customer Support
    • FAQ Document:
    • Email:
  • Tools
    • Save Scripts
    • Dex by Moon
    • Save Place
    • Multiple Applications
  • Script Library
    • godclaws
    • fegui
    • wings
    • esp
    • fefling
    • noclip
    • topkek
    • btools
    • trueheroultima
    • roxploit
    • lustris
    • saveplace
    • dex
    • clicktp
    • stargazer
    • fly
    • feanimation
    • remotespy
    • c00lgui
    • iy
    • doubletails
    • dexv4
  • Account Management Panel
    • Change Password
    • Change Email

Note: This is not a script executor like the other exploits listed. This is a dedicated universal aimbot & ESP for Roblox.

Former Names

  • RC7 (Script Executor)


  • CheatBuddy - Creator
  • Yazzn - Menu



Not applicable for an aimbot. You can find configuration for certain games on the forums.

List of FPS games:

Payment Methods

  • PayPal (10 USD)
  • Amazon Gift Card (10 USD)
  • Bitcoin (10 USD worth)


  • ESP
  • Drawables
    • Distance
    • Tracker
    • Circle
    • Names
    • Health
    • Laser (direction player is facing)
    • Crosshair
  • Aimbot
    • Wallcheck
    • Team check
    • Aim by
    • Aim at (Head/Torso)
    • Field of View
    • Smoothness
    • Prediction
    • Recoil Control
    • Bullet Drop
    • Sensitivity
  • Player Cheats
    • Teleport & Smooth Teleport
    • Freecam
    • Lagswitch
    • Fly
  • FPS unlocker
  • Automatically saves & loads settings for different games

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